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Dynamics 365 – One stop solution for your Physical and eCommerce store front

The market opportunity for the retail sector in the digital world is endless. Many retailers are still using legacy software to manage ERP and eCommerce platform. Due to which most of the operations are manual resulting in a high probability of committing errors. Few common blunders among them are wrong delivery addresses, inappropriate inventory levels, and fragmented product data.

To simplify this process, why not to go with an integrated ERP and eCommerce store solution? Dynamics 365 fits the bill by not only integrating ERP-CRM and eCommerce functionalities but also it's available on cloud with AI capability.

With built-in intelligence, Dynamics 365 enables retailers to unify all commerce data and experiences across channels. Many retailers have already benefited by the accurate view of all products, order, pricing and customer data all in one place. You can easily manage workflows and manage stock from distribution to the point of sale. These are some of the advantages of choosing an eCommerce platform with built-in integration with ERP.

Unifying commerce with Omni-channel retail

As eCommerce customer expects consistency experiences whether they are inside the store or browsing on their mobile phones, today’s retailers must have a unified commerce solution that provides accurate, relevant data in real-time.

With Dynamics 365, you can unify your eCommerce platform that makes this possible. All data for orders, products pricing and promotions are shared to the salesperson with a complete view of the customer’s history and product data. For example, the data in the customer group or industry fields in Dynamics CRM can be used to show banners or promotions to a specific group of users.

Better user experience and faster time to market

Choosing an eCommerce solution with Dynamics 365 integration means retailers can launch online stores and other digital channels faster and at a lower cost. Digital experience platform (DXP) with a single code base for managing content and eCommerce experiences can save retailers significant project costs.

Platform-as-a-service cloud module

eCommerce solution deployed to the cloud deliver several advantages. It gives retailers the flexibility to build and deploy sites as per company’s requirement. The 3rd party platform as a solution can use Microsoft Azure and Azure web apps delivering fully managed platform with prebuilt back-end solutions.

So, are you ready for the next step in your digital transformation?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail is a one-stop retail platform which encompasses sales, mobility, intelligence, and productivity. Dynamics 365 cloud-based architecture is built keeping scalability in mind. As you set up your retail experience, you will decide as per your business in brick and mortar stores, online stores, or call centers for after-sales service and support.

Read Our Blogs

Learn about AI-powered experiences across Microsoft
Stay informed about AI capabilities in Windows 11, Bing, Edge, and Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Features of Dynamics 365 Business Central image
Features of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business management solution for all types of business.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Companies using Copilot have reported that employees assisted by AI have increased productivity, are performing tasks more efficiently and are able to focus on what matters most.

Dynamic 365 Business Central for Trading and Distribution

Microsoft introduced Dynamics 365 Business Central which is an integrated ERP solution to meet the needs of businesses in the ever-changing technological landscapes.

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